Kalang syntax

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Base Syntax

Package and class name

You don't have to declare package name and class name in the code.Kalang use the directory name as package name and the file name as class name.For example,the file /src/foo/bar/Helloworld.kl means that the package name is foo.bar , the main class name is Helloworld and the full class name is foo.bar.Helloworld,if the source root is /src.


abstract as assert boolean break byte case catch

char class const constructor continue default do

double else enum extends final finally float for

foreach goto if implements import in instanceof

int interface long mixin native new null override

package private protected public return short static

strictfp super switch synchronized this throw throws

transient try val var void volatile while with


Normal identifiers

Identifiers must start with a letter or an underscore.

For example:

var name = "kalang";
var _length = 4;

Quoted identifiers

Quoted identifiers could be use as field name or method name.

For example:



Double-quoted string

val str = "hello,kalang\n";

Triple-single-quoted string(support multiline)

val text = '''Hello


var name = "kalang";
println( "hello,${name}!" );//output:hello,kalang!


byte a = 1;
char b = 2;
short c = 3;
int d = 4;
long e = 5;


var t = true;
var f = false;


var intArray = [1,2,3];                    //int[]
var integerArray= <Integer>[1,2,3];        //Integer[]
var stringArray = ["hello","world"];       //String[]
int[] arr = new int[10];             //length is 10
int[] arr2 = new int[]{1,2,3};       //arr2 is initialized and it's length is 3


var objectMap = ["name":"kalang","year":2016];          //Map<String,Object>
var stringMap = ["name":"kalang","type":"language"];    //Map<String,String>
var ov = objectMap.get("name");                         //ov is Object type
var sv = stringMap.get("name");                         //sv is String type

Import classes

Import single class:

import foo.bar.Helloworld;

Import using alias:

import foo.bar.HelloKalang as KL;

Import all classes in package:

import foo.bar.*;

Declare class

Define a normal class:

//define a class,default modifier is public
    //declare fields and methods

Define a generic class:


Extend and implement:

class extends Object implements List<String>{

Write as a script:


Declare method

int sum(int a,int b){
    return a+b;

Declare variable

Declare a int variable

var a = 1;

Declare a string variable

var b = String.format("%d",2);

Declare a immutable int variable

val ia = 3;

Declare a variable with specified type and initial value

var obj as Object = "hello";

Destructuring variables declaration

//same as: val length = "ABCD".length(); val bytes = "ABCD".bytes();
val {length,bytes} = "ABCD";

//same as: val firstVar = 1; val secondVar = 2;
val [firstVar, secondVar] = [1,2];


For loop:

for(var i=0;i<9;i++){

Foreach loop

for (v in [1,2,3]){
for (v,i in [1,2,3]){

Loop invoke

var arr = ["a","ab","abc"];
var lens = arr*.length();//lens will be [1,2,3]

While loop:

    //do some thing

Do loop:

//do some thing

Try statement

try {
    // do some thing
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
try (val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
    // do some thing


//line comment

multi-line comment

Null safe

void hello(String? name){
    name.length();           //compile error:name may be null
        name.length();       //compile passed:name is null checked

Default for nullable expression

val s as String? = null;
println(s ?? "test");     //output: test

Cast type automatically

Object s = "hello";
if(s instanceof String){
    s.chars();//the type of s is changed from Object to String automatically


Closures supports up to 8 parameters.

void sayHello(String name,&Void(String) callback) {

sayHello("kalang" , result => println(result));

val sayHi as &Void(String) = (name) => {

Mixin method

A mixin method is a static method which could be use like a non-static method.

For example:

val array = <Integer>[1,2,3];

// change an Integer array to an Integer list.
// same as: val list = CollectionMixin.asList(array);
val list = array..asList();

// sum an Integer list.
// same as: val sum = CollectionMixin.sumInt(list);
val sum = list..sumInt();

// read text from a file.
// same as: val text = IOMixin.readToString(new File("hello.txt"), "utf8");
val text = new File("hello.txt")..readToString("utf8");

All built-in mixin methods could be found in kalang.mixin package.